In a world powered by Mako, a group of rebels seek to thwart the mighty Shinra Corporation, believed to be killing the planet by utilizing this power. Cloud Strife, mercenary for hire, joins the rebels on their first mission. However, what they discover is much more than a simple monopoly, but a plan to rule the world. In their midst, the sake of all mankind rests on the mercy of a warrior killed years ago. Now the fate of the world lies in the hands of an ex-Soldier who doesn't even exist.

That is the story line for one of the most graphically amazing role playing games of all time. I still recall the first day this game came out. I played for hours on end and I am sure you have done the same. The game has a few less characters than Final Fantasy 3(6 in Japan) but the graphics and great story line make up for that. The game consists of a three cd package each full of amazing cinemas and plenty of story. This game does lack a large amount of side-quests but is great anyway.

Most of the game has you following a fairly linear path, that is until you get past the second disc, in the third disc you have complete freedom to do whatever you please. Take a look below for a few screenshots, strategy guide, character list, and a few more extras.

ff7 screenshot 1ff7 screenshot 2

ff7 screenshot 3

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough

Final Fantasy 7 Characters

Final Fantasy 7 Manual

Final Fantasy 7 Map