Cloud Strife

An Ex-member of SOLDIER, Cloud is the main character of Final Fantasy 7.

Aeris Gainsborough

Aeris, the young Flower-Girl in Midgar,is an Ancient. Aeris proves to be more important in the game than she seems.

Tifa Lockheart

As the childhood friend of Cloud, Tifa joins the journey in hopes of a love interest.

Barret Wallace

As the leader of AVALANCHE, Barret is on a quest of revenge and to save the planet.


Red XIII is the last of his species. Captured by Prof. Hojo, Red XIII joins the journey just as a way to get home, but he soons finds out that something very large is at stake, and that they need his help.

Yuffie Kisaragi

You meet Yuffie in the Forests and joins up with your party with other motives than to save the world.

Cait Sith

Cait Sith is a tiny cat-like creature that rides around on a giant, deformed, stuffed Moogle.

Cid Highwind

The owner of the Tiny Bronco and the pilot of the Rocketship, and the famous Air-ship, the Highwind.

Vincent Valentine

A mysterious stranger who shows up in a coffin in the basement of the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim, locked away from the world after being subjected to experiments and losing his only love.


The strongest and most elite member of SOLDIER, Sephiroth's past is as mysterious to us as it is to himself.