After the Dragonlord's defeat, the hero and Princess Gwaelin left Alefgard in search of new lands. Three kingdoms emerged from their children: Midenhall, Cannock, and Moonbrooke. Peace prevailed in the land for a hundred years, then the evil sorcerer Hargon attacked Moonbrooke Castle. A lone soldier escaped to tell the King of Midenhall of Moonbrooke's defeat. As the crown prince of Midenhall, you must seek out the other descendents of Erdrick in order to defeat Hargon.

This game was released a few years after the original Dragon Warrior and featured three characters in your party instead of the orignal one character in Dragon Warrior 1. The graphics recieved a slight update but not very noticable, but as the great Role Playing Game players always say "graphics aren't everything. A great storyline is always as important as good graphics so check out this game if you ever have the chance. This game also had a much larger world with some difficult quests. Below I have quite a few links with helpful a helpful walkthrough, spells, monsters and items.

Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough

Dragon Warrior 2 items list

Dragon Warrior2 monster list

Dragon Warrior2 spell list

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